Not to be controversial, but...

i've either said, or agreed with someone else saying "It's the photographer that makes the photo what it is, not the camera" now, whilst I believe that above a certain level of photographer, this is the case in about 90% of cases, I think, now with technology what it is, that in the consumer level cameras "actually knowing what you're doing" is fast becoming secondary. What do I mean? Have I gone nuts? Have I got proof?

My better half has been using an old Ixus compact of mine for a few years, it's an OK camera, I can take an OK picture with it - not the same as my dSLR, but 'OK' you know, looks good, works well.

No, I've not gone nuts... not yet...

Yes, I've got proof... M, the other half, with a little bit of framing advice, a little bit of how to advice is now taking brilliant shots - great exposure, good shutter speeds and stuff - all because she's using a new camera that does all that thinking for her... the Sony a55 yeah, it can be used in full manual mode, I've done it... but why would you when the camera, 98% of the time, knows exactly what to do and does it well?...
