It's always the way...

Day one of actually working in Aus (hello from my parents in law's kitchen counter) and the first email I open is "We need a studio shoot of our band" I've recommended a photog friend or two. C'est La Vie, I say!

Now, I started this post yesterday.... and this morning I wake to an email from Andrew, bass player of Brand New Heavies, they want photos - not the live ones, something different... This stuff never happens when I'm in country, always after I've left - call it fate, karma... no, let's call it the Mabo, just for old time's sake?

Public Enemy, Still ringing, softly,  in my ears...


So, it got me thinking, as it always does, how can we help anyone in Japan? Pretty rough what they've had to cop over there! I went for a walk along the beach in Thailand, and came across one building, still sat in ruins from the 2004 Tsunami and it brought into stark contrast just how explosive that whole natural disaster thing is - you don't really understand unless you experience it though, I'm sure. Anyway, what can we do as a community to assist?

I've sent a handful of emails to band managers, I've asked if they'd consider having an image signed by the artist - we'll print it / frame it, whatever, and auction it to fans - all proceeds going to some small community in Japan that has no... water? power? I don't know... something... I guess I'd better email ChuckD and Flava, see if they're up for some community love...

Off to work, later...