A Montage Print is the Perfect Graduation Present for Your Flatmate

It’s coming to that time of year when every final year student North of Antarctica is about to graduate. You’re well prepared for a day of silly hats and a thousand photos for all of your extended family. In all, it’ll be a great day. There is a negative side to this though. For many of you it will mean moving out of your student accommodation and back to your parents’ for a painful stint working-off your overdraft or, God forbid it, getting a job and having to work full-time! Either way, it will mean you don’t see your old flatmates as much as you’d like. To mark the end of an era, you may want to give them a parting gift, to wish them the best of luck in the future and hold the memories that you had together. Screen Shot 2013-07-12 at 12.06.27 AM

There are different types of photo montage prints depending on your budget and needs. The photo is of a ‘classic’ montage print, in which you just pick a selection of your favourite and shuffle the order round. An ‘Inset’ montage features a large, main print, then select a few other to place in the foreground. A shape photo montage is fairly self-explanatory, you just pick your favourite shape, and the montage goes within that on the canvas print. The best one for graduation, though, is definitely the mosaic photo montage. It features between 15 and 50 photos that meld together, using different shades and density to create another, larger photo of your choice. This means you can have you grad photo as the large on, then all the nights out, the days out, the holidays and maybe even a few disasters from your time at uni to make it all up with.


Pick all the best pictures from your undergraduate life then send them off to get your tile mosaic collage canvas. Proofs for approval are sent out before the final copy is printed.