What gives, Australia

Now, I love photographing bands, and I've done a couple here and there... And whilst there were the odd contract / agreement in the UK over the few years I shot there, there was nothing, ever, like there is here in Australia...

Big Day Out, they're holding (I think the winners have already been announced) a competition for something or other, you have to send images in... So, this isn't going to the BDO and shooting, it's just a competition, but run your cold grey eye balls over this little gem;

8.       RIGHTS

8.1     By entering the Competition, the Entrant hereby grants a perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive assignable license to the Promoter to reproduce, publish, sell, distribute, license, communicate, modify and otherwise exploit the Entry, including the copyright in the Entry in any format and in all media, now known or hereafter devised, throughout the world. Entrants will not be entitled to any fee for such use.

8.2     The Entrant warrants that the Entrant is the only copyright holder of the material submitted and the Entrant is not infringing any third parties’ copyright.  The Entrant warrants that any person depicted in their photographic entry, has granted permission to be portrayed in the photograph. The Entrant indemnifies the Promoter against all and any claims, demands, suits, actions, proceedings, damages, and liabilities suffered by the Promoter in consequence of any breach of warranties contained herein.

8.3     The Entrant and any other person in the photograph agrees to waive all moral rights in the Entry submitted.

8.4     If the Entrant’s photograph is published, the Promoter will use best efforts to ensure due recognition and acknowledgement to the Entrant however, no casual or inadvertent failure by the Promoter or third party to comply with this provision will constitute a breach by the Promoter.

I don't know where this all started...

I understand people need to make money...

So do photographers...

Might be a little research project for me, then...